Patient setup – Canon TX-20 Full Auto Tonometer User Manual
Page 41

Patient Setup
Disinfect the forehead rest and the chin rest.
If chin rest paper is being used, change the paper.
Have the patient sit down.
Instruct patients to remove their glasses or contact lenses if they are wearing them.
• Explain to the patient that intraocular pressure is measured by blowing air against the cornea.
• Have the patient place their hand in front of the nozzle, and press the CHECK button, so they can
feel the puff of air.
Input the patient ID.
Input the patient ID using a magnetic card reader, barcode reader, numeric keypad, or other USB
To input the patient ID on the TX-20 without using a USB device, press the ID key and input it from
the PATIENTID screen.
Go to step 5 if you are not going to input the patient ID.
Press the R/L button to decide which eye to measure.
The standard is to measure the right eye first. To measure the left eye, press the R/L button to switch
the position of the measurement unit.
Place the patient's chin on the chin rest and forehead against the forehead rest.
Adjust the heights of the optical bench and chair so the patient is comfortable.
Be careful that the patient’s chin does not protrude from the chin rest.
Move the chin rest with the CHIN REST button so that the patient's eye is aligned with
the height adjustment mark.
Height adjustment
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2013/07/18 13:10:26