Trademarks, Com pilation and publication – Brother MFC-8420 User Manual
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The Brother logo is a regist ered t rademark of Brot her In dust ries , Ltd.
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Com pilation and Publication
Under the s upervis ion of Brot her Indus tries Lt d., this manual has been com piled and publis hed, c overing t he lates t
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The cont ents of t his manual and t he s pecif icat ions of this produc t are s ubject t o c hange w ithout not ice.
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shall not be respons ible for any dam ages (inc luding cons equential) caus ed by reliance on t he m aterials present ed,
including but not limit ed t o t ypographic al and other errors relating to the publicat ion.
This produc t is designed for use in a Profes sional Environment .
©2003 Brother Indus tries , Ltd.