For usb interface cable users (for window s, 98/98se/me/2000 professional/xp), Step 2 – Brother MFC-8420 User Manual

Page 15: Installing the driver & software, For usb interface cable users (for windows

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Installing the Driver & Software

Make sure that you have completed the instructions from Step 1 “Setting Up
the Machine” on pages 4 -


S witch o ff an d un plu g th e MFC fr om the AC
ou tlet a nd disco nn ect it from you r com pu te r,
if yo u a lre ad y co nn ected a n in terfa ce cab le.


Tur n o n you r comp ute r.
(Fo r Win do ws


2 00 0 P ro fe ssion al /X P , yo u

mu st b e lo gg ed o n a s the ad min istrato r.)


Inse rt th e sup pl ied C D-RO M for Wi nd ows


in to yo ur CD-R OM dr ive. If th e mod el na me
scre en a pp ea rs, se lect yo ur ma chi ne . If the
la ng ua ge scr ee n ap pe ar s, sel ect you r
la ng ua ge .


The CD-RO M ma in m en u will a pp ea r.
Click Inst all S oft wa re .


Click MFL- Pro S uit e in M ain A p plica tion .


Click Inst all.

For USB Interface Cable Users
(For Windows


98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional/XP)

I f this w indow does not appear, use
W indows


Explore to run t he setu p. exe

program f rom the root direct ory of the
Brot her C D-R O M.

M FL-Pro Suite inc ludes Printer Driver,
Sc anner Driver, ScanSoft





Sc anSoft


T ext Bridge


, PC -FAX s oftw are,

R emote Setup and T rue Ty pe font s.


is a document management

applicat ion for v iewing s canned docum ent s.
Sc anSoft


Tex tBridge


, w hich is integrated

int o PaperPort


, is an O CR applic ation t hat

c onverts an image int o tex t and ins erts it int o
y our default word proces sor.

I f you see the follow ing s creen, c lick O K t o
ins tall the Window s


updat es. Af ter the

updat es are ins talled your PC may res tart .
N ote: I f it does the inst allation will
aut omat ically c ontinue.

I f the inst allation does not cont inue
aut omat ically , please open t he ins taller
m enu again by double-clic king the
setu p. exe program from the root direc tory of
t he Brot her C D-R O M, and cont inue f rom
St ep



Step 2

This manual is related to the following products: