Step 2, Installing the driver & software, For parallel interface cable users (for windows – Brother MFC-8420 User Manual

Page 35

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Installing the Driver & Software


Hig hli gh t the mod el yo u a re in sta lli ng fro m
the l ist o f ma chi ne s a nd click Nex t.


The m od el you a re in sta llin g will be l iste d in
the w ind ow. Se le ct Y es o r No if you wa nt
this d river to be yo ur d efa ult pri nter .


If this scre en a pp ea rs, se lect D o not s hare
this printe r
a nd Nex t.


S ele ct Y es and Nex t to pr int a test pa ge .


Wh en th is scree n a pp ea rs, cli ck Finish.


Wh en th e Wi nd ows Lo go te sting scr ee n
ap pe ar s, click Cont inue Anyw a y.

The Brot her Nat iv e Drive rs ha ve be en
inst alled and t he insta lla tion is now
c omple te.

For Parallel Interface Cable Users
(For Windows


95/98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional/XP)

M ake sure you do not s elect a USB printer.

T here w ill be tw o Brot her print er driv ers
lis ted in t he Print ers selec tion.
T he driv er w ith "Print er" af ter the model
nam e (ex . Brother MF C-8820D Print er) is
t he Brot her N ativ e D river.

Step 2

This manual is related to the following products: