FUTEK IPM52x (D520) Digital Display User Manual
Page 28

• Pushing F key for 4 seconds will reset the tare
value to zero.
! "CHAn 1" assigns F key to display channel 1
! "CHAn 2" assigns F key to display channel 2
! "CHAn 3" assigns F key to display channel 3
2. "r in 1", "r in 2", "r in 3", and "r in 4" remote inputs. RUN
mode remote/external input setup
The 4 Remote input functions are selected under the Main
program branch heading "SPEC". The following are
enabled by a TTL level applied to the input..
"RESEt" - Resets latched relays
"TarE" - Zeros display for channel being displayed.
! "HOLd" - Freezes display and suspends measurements
! "SCALE2" - Selects second scaling to be applied to
channel being displayed. S2 light on front panel is lit.
"LOCk" - Locks out access to the SETUP programs
! "PEAk 1" - Display PEAK 1
! "Peak 2" - Display PEAK 2
"Alarm" - Disables alarms. Meter functions normally
but no alarms are activated when they go beyond their
preset limits.
"dEC Pt" - Selects the decimal point programmed
! "CHAn" - Selects the channel programmed
"Preset" - Resets both peak and valleys.
"Gross" - Displays Gross value of channel
“PrinT” – Initiates a print of the current display
through the RS-232C serial port. (T option required for
this function.)
3. "PEAK 1" and "PEAK 2" setup
Programs the functions of the 2 peak capture inputs. Each
peak can be individually programmed.
"tYPE" Select if peak to be highest or lowest valley
"HI" High/Peak selection