GW Instek GOS-6000 Series User Manual
Page 13

GOS-6051/6050/6031/6030 OSCILLOSCOPE
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Pressing the pushbutton the select the sweep time between ×1 (normal)
and MAG (magnify). If the MAG function, the signal display will be
expanded and consequently only a part of the signal curve is visible. The
interesting part of the signal can be made visible with the aid of the H
POSITION control.
When MAG has been done, the displayed waveform will be expanded to
the right and left with the center of the CRT. The magnification ratio can
be selected from among three stage of Ч5-Ч10-Ч20 MAG by pressing this
Pressing the pushbutton, the primary sweep waveform along with the
magnified sweep waveform. The magnified can be displayed
simultaneously using the ALT-MAG function. The magnified sweep
waveform appears 3 divisions below the primary sweep waveform.
GOS-6051/6050/6031/6030 OSCILLOSCOPE
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Trigger controls
The trigger controls determine the sweep start timing for both signal.
(30) ATO/NML – Pushbutton and indicator LEDs.
Pressing the pushbutton to select auto or normal trigger mode. The actual
setting is indicated by a LED.
Each time when the pushbutton is pressed the trigger mode changes in the
ATO (Auto)
Select the automatical mode, the sweep free-runs will display a baseline
trace when there is no trigger signal. The setting of triggering level changed
only when the TRIGGER LEVEL control is adjusted to a new level setting.
NML (Normal)
Select the normal mode, the input signal will trigger the sweep when the
TRIGGER LEVEL control is set within the peak-to-peak limits of an
adequate trigger signal. When the sweep is not triggered, no baseline trace