Reserved for future use (89), Panel unlock (90), Alarm verification enable (91) – Fire-Lite 411UDAC Fire Alarm Communicator User Manual
Page 48: Autosilence notification appliance circuit (93)

411UDAC Manual — P/N 51073:E 9/20/2013
Modes of Operation
Program Mode
Reserved for Future Use (89)
Leave default setting of '0'
Panel Unlock (90)
The communicator must be unlocked to accept a remote upload/download. Leaving the default set-
ting of '0' will require the unlock code 8655 be entered for each data transfer session (30 minute
timeout). Enter ‘1’ to keep the communicator in a permanent unlocked state.
Alarm Verification Enable (91)
Alarm verification works only on zones programmed as 4-wire smoke detector zones (i.e. zones 1
and 3). After detecting an alarm, the panel removes power from four-wire smoke zones, resetting
all 4-wire smoke detectors. Power is reapplied and a 16 second restart period allows detectors to
stabilize. During the retard/reset/restart period of 24 seconds, subsequent alarms by the same initi-
ating zone are ignored. An alarm detected on any other 4-wire detector zone during the restart
period will cause immediate verified alarms. A subsequent alarm on the initiating zone occurring
within the confirmation time will cause a verified alarm.
During the alarm verification period, access to other modes of operation is prevented.
Factory Default is no verification which is an entry of '0'. Entering '1' enables verification. Alarm
Verification is ignored if the 411UDAC is configured for nonlatching Slave Communicator opera-
tion or Test Mode.
Silence Inhibit Notification Appliance Circuit (92)
Setting address 92 to '1' prevents the silencing or resetting of the Notification Appliance Circuit for
one minute following an alarm. The factory default setting is '0' for no silence inhibit.
Autosilence Notification Appliance Circuit (93)
The Notification Appliance Circuit may be autosilenced after a programmed time interval between
5 and 30 minutes. Enter '1' for 5 minute autosilence; '2' for 10 minutes; '3' for 15 minutes; '4' for 20
minutes; '5' for 25 minutes; '6' for 30 minutes. The factory default is '0' for no autosilence.
NOTE: Mixing devices on zones designated as 4-wire smoke zones is not recommended. The
communicator will not transmit a signal to the Central Station signifying that alarm verification is in
Figure 3.2 Verification Timing Diagram
Detector Zone
Goes Into Alarm
Detector Alarm
Different Detector
Zone Alarm
84 Sec.
24 Sec.
8 Sec.
0 Sec.
Alarm Ignored
Panel Processes Alarm if Same Detector Zone is Still in Alarm
Panel Immediately Processes Alarm
NOTE: Consult local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to altering this address.