Local flow mirroring – Brocade Flow Vision Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 78

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For example, on a fixed-port switch, if 500 frames meet the flow definition in the first second of the
Flow Mirror operation, only the first 256 frames are mirrored. In the next second, frame mirroring will
begin with the five-hundred-and-first frame that matches the flow definition. The intervening frames
will not be mirrored, even though they match the flow definition.

The following table shows the maximum frame rate and mirroring capacity for each platform type.

Flow Mirror CFM frame rates and frame capacity


Platform type

Maximum rate (frames per second)

Maximum capacity (frames)

Fixed-port switch



Chassis-based systems



Local flow mirroring

Local flow mirroring (LFM) allows you to mirror a flow to a port in the same domain that the flow has
been defined in. This mirrored data can then be analyzed through an external analyzer/frame sniffer
connected to the port.

To mirror traffic to a local port, the port must be configured as a mirror port before it is used in the flow
definition. A loopback SFP should be plugged in at the other end of the analyzer or on the port
configured as a mirror port.

Here is the pattern for a command creating a flow definition to mirror a local flow:

• First: Use the portcfg mirrorport port_num --enable command to configure the mirror port.
• Next: Use the flow --create flow_name –feature mirror –srcDev SrcDevID -dstDev DestDevID -

ingrport portID -bidir –mirrorport port_num to create the flow that is mirrored to that port.

A typical configuration for local flow mirroring is shown below.

FIGURE 14 Sample local flow mirroring configuration

The following example configures port 16 as a mirror port, then creates a flow for all traffic flowing from
device 010e00 to device 010f00 ingressing through port 14 that sends the mirrored frames to the
mirror port, and finally displays a list of the flows followed by the results of the flow.

switch:admin> portcfg mirrorport 16 --enable

switch:admin> flow --create fmtest -feature mirror -srcdev 010e00 -dstdev 010f00 -ingrport 14 -

mirrorport 16

Mirror feature(s) have been activated.

Local flow mirroring


Flow Vision Administrators Guide
