Notes on predefined flows – Brocade Flow Vision Administrators Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual

Page 62

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The following example shows the typical results of the flow -- show command
when the sys_gen_all_simports flow is active:

switch10:FID128:admin> flow --show


Flow Name | Feature | SrcDev | DstDev |IngrPt|EgrPt |BiDir| LUN | FrameType|


f1 |gen+,mon+ |* |- |- |5 |no |- |- |

sys_gen_all_simports |gen+ |* |* |- |* |* |- |- |


+ Denotes feature is currently activated for the flow

The flow name with prefix sys_ denotes predefined flow

The following example shows the results of flow --show

switch10:FID128:admin> flow --show sys_gen_all_simports


Name : sys_gen_all_simports Features: gen(Activated) noConfig: Off

Number of complete runs: 2

Percent complete of the current run: 33

Flow Generator (Activated):


| SrcDev | DstDev |


| 0x014000 | 0x014100 |


| 0x014000 | 0x014200 |


| 0x014000 | 0x014300 |


| 0x014000 | 0x014400 |


| 0x014100 | 0x014000 |


| 0x014100 | 0x014200 |


| 0x014100 | 0x014300 |


| 0x014100 | 0x014400 |

(output truncated)

Number of frames generated from IngrPorts : 9.20G

Notes on predefined flows

The following items should be kept in mind when working with predefined flows:

• If the sys_gen_all_simports flow was active before a reboot, it will be replayed after the reboot.
• If the port, SIM device, slot, or switch goes offline, the subflows on the offline ports will be stopped.

Traffic will continue to run on the online ports.

• If all SIM ports in the test go offline, the flow will stay active but traffic will not start, and entering

flow --show will return “no sim devices”. In this case, the flow traffic will resume when any SIM
ports in the flow come online.

• To prevent dropped frames when offline SIM ports come back on line, those ports included in the

test flow are only added back to the test flow during the pause between iterations.

• The following restrictions apply to predefined flows:

Activation, deactivation, reset, show, and control operations are supported, but creation
and deletion are not supported.

Predefined flows do not include learned flows (those created using an asterisk (*)) or sub-

Notes on predefined flows


Flow Vision Administrators Guide
