Glossary, d - h – Watlow Series 922 User Manual
Page 78
WATLOW Series 922 User's Manual
Glossary, D - H
Default parameters: The parameters, or programmed instructions, which are perma-
nently stored in microprocessor software to provide a data base.
DIP Switch:
A Dual In-line Package switch.
Deutsche Industrial Norms, a widely-recognized German
standard for engineering units.
Display capability:
In a digital indicating instrument, the entire span that can be
indicated if fully utilized.
The difference in temperature between set point and stabilized
process temperature.
Duty cycle:
Percentage of "load ON time" relative to total cycle time.
ER1 (Error 1) is considered a fatal error; your system will shut
down. When the Series 922 shuts down, all events will be turned
off, and your program will stop running. When an error occurs,
ER1 00XX will alternately flash with the SYSTEM mode, and
ENTER the ER1 parameter. This will clear your error unless it is
a re-occuring error and has not been resolved.
ER2 (Error 2) is considered nonfatal. If you are in the RUN
mode, your program will continue running unless it is a program
error. ER2 00XX appears, and will flash alternately along with
the parameter that you are presently on. Clear an ER2 param-
eter under the SYSTEM mode. If the error persists, refer to the
Error Code list on Page 90 to clear.
An event is an ON/OFF auxiliary output relay signal. You can
use events, based on time, temperature, or other process
variables, to trigger peripheral equipment or process.
EV1 & EV2:
These auxiliary outputs can be alarms or events. EV1 and EV2
only appear when AUX1 and AUX2 = EV respectively, and when
the two or eight output external event board is connected. You
can change the state of the events only in the HOLD mode.
Auxiliary outputs can be alarms or events.
EV3 - EV8:
These auxiliary outputs are events. EV3 through EV8 only
appear when the eight output external event board is connected.
Represents the current SYSTEM file of the Series 922 to be
edited or reviewed. Under the LINK parameter, FILE? stands for
the file that you want to link to.
The Guaranteed Soak parameter guarantees that the actual
temperature of Channel 1 is being controlled within a window
around set point. If exceeded, the step time clock will stop until
the actual temperature is within the soak window.
The HOUR parameter has three meanings, depending upon
which menu you are in.
PROGRAM menu - The number of hours, in combination with the
MIN and SEC parameters, that equal the total step time to
achieve the temperature.
Under the AUTOSTART step type, the hours that the 922 will
wait for the time-of-day clock before AUTOSTART takes place.
SETUP menu - Represents the SYSTEM 24 hour time-of-day
clock. Midnight = 0 hours.