Glossary, a - b, Glossary – Watlow Series 922 User Manual
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WATLOW Series 922 User's Manual
Glossary, A - B
This glossary includes general thermal system control terms.
In the SETUP menu of the Series 922, an ACCESS number (0, 1,
3, 5) must be selected to enter the personality of your Series 922
into the CALIB, PID, DIAGNOS, and SPCLFUNC. Any other
number will return to SYSTEM.
Actual Display data: Displayed information which gives the operator/programmer real
or "actual" data, i.e., actual process temperature. See "Pro-
grammed display data."
A condition, generated by the Series 922, indicating that the
process has exceeded or fallen below the set or limit point.
Present only when AUX1 = AL. Determines whether the alarm
type for Auxiliary Output 1 will be a process alarm or a deviation
alarm for the Series 922.
Present only when AUX2 = AL. Determines whether the alarm
type for Auxiliary Output 2 will be a process alarm or deviation
Analog retransmit:
Allows the operator to select which parameter the analog
retransmit signal represents. For a chart recorder output, select
C1 or C2. For a remote set point signal (to slave controls) select
SP1 or SP2. C2 and SP2 will not appear if TYP parameter is T
or P.
Control feature that inhibits automatic reset action outside of the
proportional band.
Automatic Prompts: Data entry points where a microprocessor-based control
"prompts" or asks the operator/programmer for information input.
One of six step types under the PROGRAM menu of the Series
922 that can be programmed to automatically start at a certain
time, depending on the DAY, HOUR, and MIN parameter
This parameter determines whether Auxiliary Output 1 will be an
alarm or event output for the Series 922.
This parameter determines whether Auxiliary Output 2 will be an
alarm or event output for the Series 922.
When AUX1 = AL, it represents the high process alarm or high
deviation alarm for Alarm 1.
This parameter represents the low process alarm or low deviation
alarm for Alarm 1 of the Series 922. Displayed only when
AUX1 = AL.
Represents the high process alarm or high deviation alarm for
alarm 2 of the Series 922. Displayed only when AUX2 = AL.
The low process alarm or low deviation alarm for Alarm 2 of the
Series 922. Displayed only when AUX2 = AL.