Setup menu – Watlow Series 922 User Manual
Page 51
How To Program the Series 922, Chapter 6
WATLOW Series 922 User's Manual
The area for Channel 1 where no heating or cooling takes place in a
heat/cool proportional control.
Range: -36 to 36°F / -20 to 20°C / -20 to 20 Units; -3.6°F / -2.0 to
2.0°C / -2.0 to 2.0 Units.
Default: 0
A temperature band expressed in degrees within which a temperature
controller proportioning function is active for Channel 1 cooling.
Range: 0 to 900°F / 0 to 500°C / 0 to 500 Units; 0.0 to 90.0°F / 0.0 to
50.0°C / 0.0 to 50.0 Units.
Default: 45°F / 25°C / 25 Units; 4.5°F / 2.5°C / 2.5 Units
Reset (integral) cooling control action for Channel 1 that automatically
eliminates offset, or "droop", between set point and actual process
temperature in a proportional control. Expressed in repeats per
minute. This parameter will not appear if PB1C is set to 0.
Range: 0.00 to 5.00 repeats/minute
Default: 0.00
The rate (derivative) cooling function for Channel 1 of the Series 922.
The rate is determined by how fast the error being corrected is
increasing. Expressed in minutes. This parameter will not appear if
PB1C is set to 0.
Range: 0.00 to 5.00 minutes
Default: 0.00
The cooling cycle time for Channel 1 expressed in seconds for a
controller to complete one ON/OFF cycle. Time between successive
turn ons. This parameter will not appear if: Your Series 922 has a 4-
20mA output and OUT1 under the SPCLFUNC menu is set to CLHT,
or PB1C is set to 0.
Range: 1 to 60 seconds
Default: 5
A thermal control band for Channel 1 cooling that defines where the
rate (derivative) function begins. This band is in multiples of the cool
proportional band. This parameter will not appear if PB1C is set to 0.
Range: 0 to 7 times the PB1C (0 denotes rate is always functional)
Default: 0
From RETURN, you can go back to the SYSTEM prompt by pressing
the ENTER key, or return to PID by pressing the MODE key.
Under the PID menu, Channel 2 can be selected. These parameters
consist of Proportional, Integral (auto reset), and Derivative (rate)
actions. If "T" (Temperature for Channel1 only) or "P" (Process for
Channel 1 only) have been entered in the TYP parameter under the
SPCLFUNC menu, Channel 2 will not appear.
Range: CH1 - CH2
Default: CH1
A proportional temperature band expressed in degrees, within which a
temperature controller proportioning function is active for Channel 2
heating. Expressed in degrees. This parameter will not appear if "T"
or "P" (Channel 1 only) have been selected in the TYP parameter
under the SPCLFUNC menu.
Range: 0 to 900°F / 0 to 500°C / 0 to 500 Units; 0.0 to90.0°F / 0.0 to
50.0°C / 0.0 to 50.0 Units / 0 to 500%RH.
Default: 45°F / 25°C / 25 Units; 4.5°F / 2.5°C / 2.5 Units / 25%RH.
RS1C ( )
RT1C ( )
CT1C ( )
RB1C ( )
PB2H ( )
DB1 ( )
PB1C ( )
CH2 ( )