Setup menu, Setup – Watlow Series 922 User Manual

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How To Program the Series 922, Chapter 6


WATLOW Series 922 User's Manual





Shaded parameters may not appear on your control. They are
dependent on your control configuration.

One of three main level operating menus. From the SETUP menu, you
can set up or change system-operating parameters such as real time,
high/low range, alarm types, alarm points, PID settings and communica-
tions. You must select each ACCESS number to create the personality of
your Series 922.

ACCESS number (0) must be selected to enter the personality of your
Series 922 into the CALIB parameters.

In the Series 922, when ACCESS (0) is entered under the SETUP menu,
the CALIB parameters appear. These parameters setup the Real Time
and the calibration offset of the process variable.

Represents the current Real Time hours and minutes of the Series 922's
System. Midnight = 0 hours and 0 minutes. Read only parameter.

Represents the SYSTEM 24 hour time-of-day clock for hours.
Range: 0 to 23 hours

Default: 0

The SYSTEM 24 hour time-of-day clock setting for minutes.
Range: 0 to 59 minutes

Default: 0

An offset of the process variable for Channel 1. This number is added to
the value that the system derives. The final result is used for the control
Range: -50 to 50 units or °C (-5.0 to 5.0 for tenths), or -90 to 90°F
(-9.0 to 9.0 for tenths).

Default: 0

An offset of the process variable for Channel 2. This number is added to
the value that the system derives. The final result is used for the control
point. CAL2 will not appear if TYP, under the SPCLFUNC menu, is set
up for "T" (Temperature for Channel 1 only) or for "P" (Process for
Channel 1 only).
Range: -50 to 50 units or °C (-5.0 to 5.0 for tenths), or -90 to 90°F (-9.0 to
9.0 for tenths).

Default: 0

When AUX1 = AL and an external event board is connected, the Series
922 will display this parameter representing the high process alarm or
high deviation alarm for Output 1. ALTYP1 parameter selects a process
or deviation alarm.
Process Range: R1L to R1H (R1L-10% to R1H +10%)
Process Default: R1H (R1H +10%)
Deviation Range: 0 to 999°F/0 to 555°C

Deviation Default: 999/555

This parameter represents the low process alarm or low deviation alarm
for Output 1 of the Series 922. Displayed only when AUX1 = AL and an
external event board is connected. ALTYP1 parameter selects a process
or deviation alarm.
Process Range: R1L to R1H (R1L -10% to R1H +10%)
Process Default: R1L (R1L -10%)
Deviation Range: -R1H (or -555°C / -55.5°C / -999 F/U / -99.9 F/U) to 0
Deviation Default: Low end value

Represents the high process alarm or high deviation alarm for Output 2 of
the Series 922. Displayed only when AUX2 = AL and an external event
board is connected. ALTYP2 parameter selects a process or deviation
alarm. This parameter will not appear if TYP, under the SPCLFUNC
menu, is set to "T" (Temperature for Channel 1 only) or "P" (Process for
Channel 1 only).
Process Range: R2L to R2H (R2L -10% to R2H +10%)
Process Default: R2H (R2H +10%)
Deviation Range: 0 to 999°F/0 to 555°C

Deviation Default: 999/555

TI 00 : 00

HOUR ( )


( )


( )

CAL2 ( )

A1H ( )

A1L ( )

A2H ( )