Installation, Quick installation, Anascan files – Watlow ANASCAN User Manual
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ANASCAN User’s Guide 5
Quick Installation
It is your responsibility to ensure that the entire system is safe.
Read the warning in the front of this manual. If there is any
possibility of an unsafe condition, use independent safety
ANASCAN2.EXE - a self extracting program that contains the program
SCANINST.EXE - ANASCAN installation program
ANASCAN.EXE - a file that contains the main program software.
Support files:
INSTAL.DAT - installation parameters data file
LPGRP.DAT - channel grouping start up data file
SYSSU.DAT - system setup data file
STATUS.DAT - system start up status file
DIGIO.DAT - digital I/O screen data
DLOG.DAT - data logging data file
GRPINFO.DAT - group set up data file
HDR.WK1 - Lotus header set up file
Create a directory on your hard disk and change to that directory.
Type A:\ANASCAN2. The file will self-extract into the directory.
Type SCANINST from your ANASCAN directory (If you copied the
file to the hard disk. If you didn’t, type the appropriate drive).
Press Enter. Installation menu appears.
Change inputs in the installation menu by moving the cursor to the
desired parameters.
You are ready for start up.