Computer requirements – Watlow ANASCAN User Manual

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2 ANASCAN User’s Guide


Computer Requirements

Watlow Anafaze sets these computer requirements for running

1. IBM AT 286, 386, 486 or other IBM Compatible Computer

2. DOS Version 3.3 or higher

3. Speed: 25 MHz or higher

This speed provides the best performance of the ANASCAN pro-
gram; it enhances the response of the system to changes and main-
tains the best screen updates. However, it is not a factor in the
performance of the system since this is maintained independently in
each Watlow Anafaze controller.

4. Memory: 580K bytes free memory or larger

5. Disk Drives: One 40MB hard disk. One 5.25” and/or 3.5” floppy disk

6. Graphics Interface: EGA/VGA

7. RS-232 or RS-485 Serial Interface

The serial communication link required to communicate with more
than one CAS or with a communication cable longer than 50 feet is
RS-485. Watlow Anafaze recommends using the standard serial
interface of RS-232 with an external RS-485 converter.

A converter recommended by Watlow Anafaze is the B&B Electron-
ics RS-232/RS-485 optically isolated converter P/N 485OIC. This
converter has screw terminals for connecting the RS-485 wires and
the DB-25 Male connector for the RS-232 side.

Other recommendations are the Black Box RS-232/RS-485 non-iso-
lated converter P/N ME-836A. The ME-836A connections are the
same except the terminals are labeled with an X instead of a D. The
converter is used for both 2-wire/4-wire systems.

To provide optical isolation, the addition of Black Box opto-isolator
P/N SP400A is highly recommended. The SP400A will normally use
the factory DIP switch settings. All that needs to be done is to con-
nect the cable and the power supply. The SP400A has been used
without any power supplies required as it will draw its power from
the computer and the ME-836A. Always use equipment manufacture
factory recommendations.

To use a PC internal mounted RS-485 card, the Black Box Corp. P/N
IC030 has been used successfully in Watlow Anafaze installations.
Caution must be taken when other communication devices are
installed so as not to conflict with the address or interrupt.

Another PC internal optically isolated RS-485 serial card is BB Elec-
tronics model # 3PX0CC1A.