ZOLL AED Pro Rev J User Manual
Page 46

9650-0350-01 Rev. J
CPR Monitoring with CPR-D•padz and CPR stat•padz
ZOLL CPR-D•padz and CPR stat•padz electrodes include a sensor that detects the rate and
depth of chest compressions. When the electrodes are properly positioned on the patient, the
sensor lies between the rescuer’s hands and the patient’s lower sternum. While the rescuer
performs chest compressions, the sensor detects the rate and depth and sends the information to
the AED Pro unit.
If the unit does not detect chest compressions during a CPR period, it periodically issues the
voice and text prompt CONTINUE CPR (if configured to do so).
ZOLL CPR-D•padz and CPR stat•padz electrodes can be connected to other ZOLL
defibrillators, and defibrillation can be administered through other ZOLL defibrillators. The
CPR function, however, does not operate with any device other than the ZOLL AED Pro or the
Chest compression rate
With CPR-D•padz and CPR stat•padz, the unit provides a metronome function to encourage
rescuers to perform chest compressions at the AHA/ERC recommended rate of 100
compressions per minute.
When CPR is indicated, the metronome begins to beep after detecting the first few chest
compressions. The metronome continues (at rates described below) until a few seconds after
the rescuer halts compressions or until the recommended CPR period ends (2 minutes for AHA
and ERC protocols).
The metronome beeps 100 times per minute to encourage the rescuer to increase the rate of
chest compressions to achieve the recommended rate of 100 cpm.
During the CPR period, if the rescuer stops chest compressions, the metronome stops within a
few seconds. If chest compressions resume, the metronome starts again.
The metronome is disabled whenever CPR should not be performed (for example, during ECG
analyses and defibrillation shock sequences).
Chest compression depth
With CPR-D•padz and CPR stat•padz, the unit provides visual indicators and voice prompts to
encourage a chest compression depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for adult patients.
The screen displays a gauge, which shows the depth of chest compressions. Compression depth
is correct when the bar extends downward between the lower two lines, which represent 2.0 and
2.4 inches (5 to 6 cm).
When the detected compression depth is consistently less than 2 inches (5 cm), the unit issues
the voice and text prompt PUSH HARDER. If the rescuer responds by increasing compression
depth to 2 inches (5 cm) or more, the unit issues the voice and text message GOOD
The AED Pro unit can be configured to display the FULLY RELEASE text prompt to remind the
rescuer to lift the hands off the chest during CPR. By default, this text prompt is not enabled.