Quick measurements – Teledyne LeCroy HDO6000 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 68

HDO6000 High Definition Oscilloscope
Difference between the measured times of crossing a given slope and level and the ideal expected time.
For Slope you can choose positive, negative, or both. For output units you can choose time or unit interval
(UI). A unit interval equals one clock period. The Virtual Clock setup gives you a choice of Standard (1.544
MHz) or Custom reference clocks. You can also use a mathematically derived Golden PLL to filter low
frequency jitter. The cutoff frequency is user selectable.
Time from trigger (t=0) to crossing at a specified level.
Higher of two most probable states (base is lower). Measures higher level in two-level signals. Differs from
max in that noise, overshoot, undershoot, and ringing do not affect measurement. On signals not having
two major levels (such as triangle or saw-tooth waves), the amplitude parameter returns the same value as
Total Pop
Total population of a histogram.
Width of cyclic signal determined by examining 50% crossings in data input. If first transition after left cursor
is a rising edge, waveform is considered to consist of positive pulses and width the time between adjacent
rising and falling edges. Conversely, if falling edge, pulses are considered negative and width the time
between adjacent falling and rising edges. For both cases, widths of all waveform pulses are averaged for
the final result.
Width measured at a user-specified level.
Time of cyclic signal determined by examining 50% crossings in data input. The widthN is measured from
falling edge to rising edge.
Determines the horizontal axis location of the maximum value between the measure gate.
Determines the horizontal axis location of the minimum value between the measure gate.
Quick Measurements
Once you have
in an available location, you can quickly hide or display them by
choosing Measure > My Measure and checking On next to each parameter you want to display. You do not
have to go through the entire setup process.
There are also standard parameter sets available for quick display. From the menu bar, choose:
Measure > Standard Horizontal for a full set of common time parameters: freq, period, width, rise,
fall, delay, duty, num points.
Measure > Standard Horizontal for a full set of common voltage parameters: mean, sdev, max., min.,
ampl, pkpk, top, base.
Mark the Show Table checkbox to display the parameter readout table below the grid.
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