Teledyne LeCroy HDO6000 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 46

HDO6000 High Definition Oscilloscope
When setting up Sequence Mode, you define the number of fixed-size segments acquired in single-shot
mode (see the instrument specifications for the limits). The oscilloscope uses the sequence timebase
setting to determine the capture duration of each segment. Along with this setting, the oscilloscope uses
the number of segments, maximum segment length, and total available memory to determine the actual
number of samples or segments, and time or points.
1. From the menu bar, choose Timebase → Horizontal Setup....
2. Choose Sequence Sampling Mode.
3. On the Sequence tab under Acquisition Settings, touch Number of Segments and enter a value.
NOTE: The number of segments displayed can be less than the total number of segments acquired.
4. To stop acquisition in case no valid trigger event occurs within a certain timeframe, check the Enable
Timeout box, then touch Timeout and provide a timeout value.
NOTE: While optional, Timeout ensures that the acquisition will complete in a reasonable amount of
time and control of the oscilloscope will return to the operator/controller without having to manually
stop the acquisition.
5. Touch Display mode and select a
from the pop-up menu.
6. Touch the one of the Front Panel Trigger buttons to begin acquisition.
NOTE: Once acquisition has started, you can interrupt it at any time by pressing the Stop Front Panel
button. In this case, the segments already acquired will be retained in memory.
When in Sequence Mode, you can view individual segments easily using the Zoom dialog. The Zoom trace
defaults to Segment 1. You can move to later segments by changing the values in First segment to
display and Num(ber) of segments to display at once.
Tip: By changing the Num field value to 1, you can use the Front Panel Adjust knob to scroll through each
segment in order.
Channel descriptor boxes indicate the total number of segments acquired. Zoom descriptor boxes show
the number of first segment displayed and total number of segments displayed ([#] #). As with all other
Zoom traces, the zoomed segments are highlighted on the source trace.
Example: You may have acquired 1000 segments. You chose to display segments number 4-6. The
Channel descriptor box will read 1000. The Zoom descriptor box will read [4]3.
Use the
to change the scale factors of the trace.
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