Save table data – Teledyne LeCroy HDO6000 Operators Manual User Manual
Page 122

HDO6000 High Definition Oscilloscope
Save Table Data
The Save Table function saves tabular measurement data displayed on screen to an Excel or ASCII file.
Access the Save Table dialog by choosing File → Save Table from the menu bar.
1. Leave the default Source selection All Displayed.
2. Optionally touch Trace Title and enter a new base filename. This name with a sequence number
appended to it will be used for all filenames until you change it.
CAUTION. Any numbers placed at the end of this name are truncated because the instrument
automatically appends the next number in sequence to each file. if you want to use your own
identifying number, place it at the beginning of the name, or append an alpha character at the
end of the number: XYZ32a, for example.
3. Touch Data Format and choose from:
ASCII -.txt extension.
Excel - .csv extension.
4. If you selected ASCII format, also touch Delimiter and choose a character.
5. Optionally, to automatically save data to this file type after each new trigger, choose an Auto
Saveoption: Wrap overwrites old files in the order created; Fill stops before overwriting files.
CAUTION. Because the hard disk is partitioned, if you have frequent triggers, it is possible
you will eventually run out of storage space on the D: drive. Choose Wrap only if you're not
concerned about files persisting on the instrument. If you choose Fill, plan to periodically
move files out of the waveform directory.
6. Optionally, to change the save directory, touch the Browse button and navigate to the folder.
7. Touch Save Now!
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