Ronan X76CTM User Manual

Page 17

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Report 1:

Active Alarms.

Report 2:

Inventory Report.



100, Browse Events

This function is used for uncondition-
al and unfiltered display of the events
from the event log, always beginning
with the most recent event.

To browse the event history, use
Function 100. This display defaults to
the last event. To scroll through the
list of events use the [HI] and [LO]
keys. Pressing the [PRINT] key
prompts the X76CTM to print the
event that is on the screen. If
[PRINT] is pressed again, the next
20 events will be printed. After print-
ing those events, if [PRINT] is
pressed again an additional 20
events will print, or [HI] and [LO] can
be used to continue scrolling through
the event history.



101, Event Filter Query

Use this function to selectively dis-
play events from the event log, fil-
tered by type, start/end times, and
tank. Browse the list of available
event types. Select the event type
with [HI] and [LO]. Use 255 for all
event types.

Event query 255 filter

Enter start and end times to select a
specific range of events. The end
time (the most recent event) is dis-
played first. If an end time is not
entered, the system defaults to 24
hours from the start time:

Query event: start


Query event: til


If a query by start/end time is not
required, press the clear key [C/CE]
to bypass this filter.

The system will prompt for tank filter
if the event type is per tank based.

Filter by tank

The events can be browsed and
printed the same as in Function 100.



103, Print Report [HI, LO]

Function 103 prints a hard copy of the following report selections:


Active Alarms Report.

Prints all alarms that are currently

active (all active contacts and tank level limit set points).


Inventory Report.

Prints the current level, volume, and tem-

peratures for all active tanks.


Shift Report.

Similar to the inventory report, but also includes

the net change of the volumes and the temperature since the
last time this report was printed. Normally it is printed every
time the shift changes. The date and time of the last report are
also printed.


Daily Sales Report.

Prints the average daily sales for each

day of the week for the last month, as well as the number of
days remaining until the tank reaches low level, based on the
average sales.


CSLD (Continuous Statistical Leak Detection) Report.

Prints the average leak rate, the error range, the 95% confi
dence leak rate, and the conclusion (passed, failed, inconclu
sive) for the current tank. The system allows selection of time
intervals for which the report is to be generated.


Tank Setup.

Prints the general tank information: shape, size,

types of product, probe data, length wire speed, repetition rate
(for Magnetek 7030), as well as the alarm setting for the tank,
level, and volume alarms.


Print Tank Chart.

Prints the tank chart at one-inch level



Annunciator Settings.

Prints the current setting for
the annunciator: type of
event, relay assigned, horn
enable/disable, as well as
scripts to be run at normal
and alarm conditions.