Ronan X76CTM User Manual
Page 12

7. Enter the dipstick level at the probe opening.
8. Enter the dipstick level at the fill opening.
45, Select Probe Type
Use this function to select the type of the probe,
and also to set up the probe parameters. Scroll
through the list of supported probes with [HI] and
[LO]. Select the desired model with [ENT.].
Select probe type:
Depending on the probe model, the X76CTM asks
for different parameters: serial number, wire speed,
and repetition rate (for Patriot’s 7030 probe only).
Entering the serial number is recommended, since
it is written in the flash memory for maintenance
Enter probe serial #
Enter the probe’s wire speed (shown on the upper
end of probe), and press [ENT.] In the case of the
7030 probe, the X76CTM will prompt for the
probe’s repetition rate.
Enter speed of wire
9.250 ms/inch
The speed of wire is located on the top of
the probe and should be recorded on the setup
sheet. The speed of wire must be entered before
initial product and initial water levels, otherwise
incorrect temperatures and levels will result.
Enter the probe length in inches. By default, the
probe’s length is calculated based on the tank
diameter and probe type.
Probe length
Enter the offset from the bottom of the tank, in
case the probe is not touching the bottom.
Offset from bottom
The option to disregard the water signal is used in
applications where the water level is not monitored.
Disregard water: NO
Use C/CE to toggle
Inventory only is used in applications where fast
polling of the probes is critical, and running leak
tests is not needed. Once the inventory only
option is confirmed, the X76CTM will not run leak
tests for the selected tanks. The inventory only
selection is recorded in the event log.
Inventory only: NO
Use C/CE to toggle
The tank parameters are changed
using Function 74. For the tank diameter, the length
of the probe will automatically recalculate to reflect
the new diameter. If the probe length is not matched
with the recalculated length, it must be changed
48, Enter RTD-S Number
Use Function 48 to change the number of RTD’s in
the probe from the default number for that probe.
290/291, Disable/Enable Tank
These functions are used to enable/disable the
probe poling and tank calculations. It is recom-
mended to close the tank before entering settings.
Enable the tank after the new settings are entered.
To open a tank for poling, use Function 291. To
close (disable) a tank, use Function 290.
72, Initial Product Level
The configuration setting of the initial levels are
required to calibrate the probe to the real level of
the product (Function 72) and water (Function 73)
in the tank. These settings are always overwritten
when the probe data type is changed and must be
Press Function 72 to set up the initial product (fuel).
Enter the fuel level in inches, and press [ENT.].
Initial product level
22.86 in
Use a gauge stick and Kolor Kut™ paste
(or similar) to determine the initial level. If the tank
is tilted, measure the level at the probe riser.
73, Initial Water Level
Use Function 73 for initial water level. Enter inches
of water and press [ENT.].
Initial water level
0.00 in
Before entering initial water level, take an
accurate reading of the water level in the tank using
Kolor Kut™ water finding paste or a similar product.
Failure to do so will result in false or inaccurate
water readings.
92, Enter Product Expansion
If Function 97 (Product Name) has been entered, a
coefficient of thermal expansion will be needed for
that product. Press Function 92, [ENT.] to enter a
coefficient of thermal expansion.