Teledyne LGA-3500 - Laser Gas Analysis system User Manual

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Introduction Model


Teledyne Analytical Instruments


The analysis section is typically mounted at the point of

measurement and consists of the laser transmitter, receiver and flanges
for interfacing the unit with the process.

The transmitter unit and the receiver unit are mounted on flanges

which are welded onto the gas flow pipe. The transmitter is mounted
onto one flange with special adjustable fittings while the receiver is
mounted onto a similar flange diametrically opposed from the
transmitter. The transmitter unit launches a collimated laser beam into
the environment under test, and onto the sensor in the receiver unit. The
signal is sent to the central processing unit housed in the control unit.

An integral purging unit is incorporated to keep dust and gas

deposits from collecting on the analysis section windows thus
eliminating any interference or degradation of the laser induced signal.

Figure 1-2 shows a typical Model 3500 Laser Gas Analysis System

with the control section remotely located from the analysis portion.

Figure 1-2: Model


500 Laser Gas Analysis System