Alamo Machete T 7740 User Manual

Page 80

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© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.




Alamo Industrial Technical Services Department

1502 East Walnut

Seguin, Texas 78155


Turning Arm Pin Update Kit P/N 02974182:


Machete Boom Mower Turning Arm Main Pin Retaining Design Update to increase the durability

of the main Pin retaining device.

Service Required:


Secure the tractor to facilitate a safe repair, (Engine off, Park brake on, Key Secured & etc..).
You will need a Machete Operators Manual and a Machete Service Manual, these are available
from Alamo Industrial. It is recommended that these manuals are on hand.


This will require drilling to install a larger Retaining Bolt and welding to install the Snap Ring
grooved boss (See Figure 1) on the bottom of the Turning Arm Pin, The Old retaining Bolt at the
bottom of the Pin is a 3/8", this will be removed and the hole will need to be drilled out to a 1/2"
to accept the new larger bolt.


Make sure that the Boom is out stretched and the head is setting flat on the Floor (Ground). Make
certain that all hydraulic pressure is relieved from the system, this will need to be done manually
at the valve (See Machete Service Manual for this procedure).


Support Boom with a hoist as shown in the operators manual and/or service manual before
beginning work on retaining pin.


From the under side use a 1/2" thick steel plate and a hydraulic Jack up under turning arm pin
to prevent the pin from falling out when the retaining bolt is removed. Remove the 3/8" retaining
bolt and drill the hole out to a 1/2" hole so you can install the 1/2" Retaining Bolt (See Figure 3)


With the new 1/2" retaining bolt installed (do not remove or lower Jack without retaining Bolt
installed) lower the supporting hydraulic Jack and 1/2" steel plate but do not remove it. (See
Figure 3).


Install the new Grooved Snap Ring Boss up under the existing Boss that is welded to the turning
arm. Making certain that the OD of new boss is aligned with the OD of the old one, if it is not
aligned the ID of the boss's will not be aligned and Pin cannot pass through it. Using the 1/2" steel
plate and the hydraulic jack, raise jack till there is enough pressure on new boss to hold it
straight and aligned with the existing one. Do Not apply so much pressure that you distort the
new boss. (See Figure 4)


Weld the new Snap Ring Grooved Boss to the existing boss. Lower the Plate and Hydraulic Jack
to remove them. Install the New Snap Ring into the groove of the new boss. The purpose of
this snap ring is to keep the pivot pin from dropping out the bottom if the retaining bolt breaks
or comes out.


Machete Boom

S/N MB21-01001 to 01404
S/N MB24-01001 to 01196


Dec. 10, 1999

Bulletin No:
(Old # 990005A)


100 % at Dealer Net


3.8 hrs. at Dealer registered
Shop Rate

Termination Date:

Jun 1, 2000

Old Parts Disposition:

Hold all Parts involved fo
Warranty Return

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