Plate layout tab – Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 User Manual

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• Select a method from the Method list.

• If necessary, select a weight type from the Weight Type list.

• Apply the analysis to all analytes in the list by clicking Apply to All Analytes.

• Select Mark as Intra-Well Normalization Bead to make the analyte an intra-well

normalization bead.

• Add a range to the analysis by clicking Add Range.

• Select Use Threshold Ranges to enable ranges for the analysis.

• Click Add Range to add a range.

• Type a Range Name, a Low Value, a High Value, and select Inclusive if you wish to

include the low and high values in the range. Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Units - The unit of measurement you specified in the Unit box. Click this box to type a

value for the analyte.

Count - Type the desired bead count for the analytes by clicking in the Count box. If each

selected bead set does not acquire this number of events, a warning is added to the log
that not enough bead events were acquired.

Region - Refers to the specific analyte selected. This is a number between 1 and 100.

Group - If you have selected Allele Call from the Analysis Type in the Settings tab, this
button displays. Click Group to group 2, 3, or 4 analytes for the group. Multiple groups can
be defined.

Cancel - Click Cancel to return to the Batches tab.

Back - Click Back to return to the Settings tab.

Next - Click to go to the next tab. If the Analysis Type selected in the Settings tab was
None or Allele, this takes you to the Plate Layout tab. If the Analysis Type selected was
Quantitative or Qualitative, this button takes you to the Stds & Ctrls tab.

Plate Layout Tab

Use this tab to define commands that apply to one or more wells. You can define commands.

This tab contains the following:

Plate Image - This is a representation of the plate. Each well appears as a circle on the grid.
Well commands appear in the appropriate circles as you assign them to wells on the plate.

Command Sequence - Contains the command sequence for the active plate. The list
includes all active wells, the type of command (Unknown, Standard, Control, Background, or
assigned maintenance command), ID, and Dilution factor. The Well column also specifies
pre-batch and post-batch routines. Double-click the ID field to type an ID. Double-click the
Dilution field to type a dilution factor.

A command’s ID and Dilution fields have a blue border around them if they can be double-
clicked to type information.

Move Command - These arrows move a selected command up or down in the Command
list, changing the acquisition order.

Import List - Opens the Open dialog box to import an existing command sequence list.

Replicate Count - Defines a quantity of replicate sets from one to nine.



3.1 Rev. 2