Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 User Manual
Page 35

• Name and Description boxes - Type a name and a description in the appropriate boxes.
• Acquisition Settings - Use this section to set the following:
• Bead Type - Select either MicroPlex (standard) or MagPlex (magnetic) beads.
• Volume - This is the volume the instrument will aspirate into the system for analysis.
Type the desired sample volume in microliters. Use values from 10 to 200 µl for for 96-
well plates. To avoid air intake, add at least 25 µl to the sample well in addition to the
sample size. The default value is 50 µl.
• Timeout - Select Enabled to enable a timeout. Acquisition stops once the timeout is
reached. Type a value from 1 to 250 seconds.
• XY heater - Select Enabled to enable the XY heater. In the box, type the desired value
in degrees Celsius. The temperature range is 35 to 60°C in 0.5 increments.
Acquiring data before the heater has reached the proper
temperature can compromise test results.
• DD gating - Use this to set the minimum and maximum DD gating values. Use values
within the range of 0 to 32767. In the first box, type the minimum value. In the second
box, type the maximum value. The default minimum and maximum values are 7500 and
13500 respectively.
• Reporter Gain - Select Standard PMT from this list to decrease the reporter gain level.
The default option is Enhanced PMT.Select High PMT to increase the reporter gain
level. Refer to assay application instructions for more detailed information.
3.1 Rev. 2