Data conversion – Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 User Manual
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5. Type the command line parameter for what parameters you want xPONENT to use with
the external analysis program. If the information is supplied with the external analysis
program documentation, use that information. Otherwise, you can type the following
parameters built into xPONENT, in any order:
• #c - Output.csv, full file path.
• #p - Protocol name.
• #b - Batch name.
• #u - Logged in user name.
To keep the default command line settings, leave Command Line Parameters blank.
6. Click Set Default if you want to make this program the default analysis program, then
click OK to close the dialog box.
7. Click OK if you want to add the program as an installed analysis program, but not as the
default analysis program.
8. Click Save.
To remove an analysis program from the Installed Analysis Programs list:
1. In the Installed Analysis Programs list, click the program you want to uninstall.
2. Click Remove.
To edit an analysis program:
1. In the Installed Analysis Programs list, click the program you want to edit.
2. Click Edit. The Edit External Analysis Program dialog box opens.
3. Edit the Name, Path, or Command Line Parameters, or make this the default
analysis program if there are two or more programs installed. The default analysis
program name displays in bold text.
NOTE: The default analysis program name displays in bold text.
To prevent the external analysis program from starting automatically, click Disable
automatic launching of External Analysis when batches complete for all protocols.
Data Conversion
Convert earlier versions of data with the data conversion feature. The following formats can
be converted:
• IS 2.3 templates (IDT files) into xPONENT 3.1 protocols (LXT files).
• xPONENT 3.0 protocols (LXT files) into xPONENT 3.1 protocols (LXT files).
• IS 2.3 assay lots (LIF files) into xPONENT 3.1 assay lots (LXK files).
• xPONENT 3.0 assay lots (LXK files) into xPONENT 3.1 assay lots (LXK files).
• xPONENT 3.0 batches (LXD files) into xPONENT 3.1 batches (MDF).
• IS 2.3 and xPONENT 3.0, 3.1 .CSV files and specially formatted text files containing MFI
values into xPONENT 3.1 batch files (MDF).
The data conversion utility is xCONVERT. For additional information about using the
xCONVERT utility, see the Appendix A: Converting IS 2.3 .idt Files to xPONENT 3.1 .lxt Files
Using the Software