Agilent Technologies E1300B User Manual

Page 143

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Downloading Data to a Single Address Location

This program downloads an array with the data 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to register 32 on a
device with logical address 40 in VXIbus A16 address space.

DIM Dnld_data(1:5)

Dimension controller array

DATA 1,2,3,4,5
READ Dnld_data(* )

Load data into controller array

"DIAG:DOWN:SADD # H1FCA20,# 210";

This line is sent without termination.

Send Dnld_data as 16-bit words

Terminate after last word with
EOI or LF and EOI


DIAGnostic:DRAM:AVAilable? Returns the amount of RAM remaining
(available) in the DRAM (Driver RAM) segment, which is the amount of RAM
in the segment minus any previously loaded drivers.


DIAG:DRAM:CREAte does not allocate the RAM segment until after a
subsequent re-boot.

Related Commands: DIAG:DRAM:CREate, DIAG:DRIVer:LOAD,


Determine amount of space left for drivers in the DRAm segment.

enter statement

statement returns available
DRAM in bytes.

DIAGnostic :DRAM:AVAilable?

System Instrument Command Reference 7-15

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