Controlled Products Systems Group PATRSL User Manual
Page 29

Gate opening or closing stops and reverses direction and then stops and will not operate
This is most likely caused by an incorrect sensitivity adjustment. It could also be caused by an obstruction located in the
path of the gate.
Open the emergency manual release cover and pull the release knob. Then roll the gate fully open and closed to verify
that it is rolling freely. If gate is moving freely then the sensitivity adjustment needs to be checked.
Remove the cover and locate the sensitivity adjustment on the control board. The Master and Slave both need to be
checked even if only one is being used. If the setting is above 6 verify again that the gate is moving freely
Gate opens or closes correctly then immediately reverses direction:
This is most likely caused by an incorrect limit switch adjustment, which is causing the gate to travel too far and the
operator to current sense. The limit switch adjustments are located on the limit plate. Remove the gate operator cover
and locate the limit plate and limit cam nuts.
Adjust the limit cam nut so that it is closer to the limit switch for the gate position being worked on. This will cause
the limit cam nut to contact the limit switch earlier, which will stop the gate earlier than before. This needs to be done
until the gate stops at the desired position. See note below.
It might be necessary to verify limit switch operation. To do this locate the “LED Indicator” push button and hold in.
Then depress the limit switch lever and observe the limit LED’s located on the control board. The LED should come
on when the limit switch lever is depressed and the “LED Indicator” push button is depressed.
If DS1 switch 9 is turned on, then the open and close LED lights are reversed. Open LED represents the closed
position and the close LED represents the open position.
If the LED lights will not come on then contact the factory.
Gate closes then opens back up in 10 seconds or more, auto close timer is on
This is most likely caused by an incorrect DS1 switch 9 setting. When standing on the inside of the property and
looking out of the gate which side of the drive is the gate operator installed on? If it is on the right side then DS1
switch 9 should be in the off position. If operator is on the left side of the drive then it should be in the on position.
If this does not correct the problem then the limit wires are connected incorrectly. Locate the limit switches and the
orange and white wires connected to them. The white wire should be connected to the switch closest to the gate.
If the gate still operates incorrectly contact the factory.
Control board 15 amp fuse blows when open/close command is given.
Fuses blow primarily for one reason, the gate cannot move. Causes might be something keeping the gate from moving,
the gate is trying to move in the wrong direction due to incorrect limit switch setting or there might be a wiring
See problem number 8 above and verify.
Press the “LED Indicator” push button and hold it in, observe the LED lights and determine if the open limit or close
limit LED is on. Then determine if the correct LED is on for the gate position.
For example if the left LED is on that is the open limit and the gate should be in the open position. The right LED
represents the closed position.
See note under problem 8 above.
If the open limit LED is on and the gate is closed if a command to operate is given the gate will try to close more,
which can blow a fuse. If the close limit LED is on and the gate is opened a command to operate will try to open the
gate more, which can blow a fuse. In either case the limit switches need to be adjusted and then the cause for them
becoming misadjusted needs to be determined.
Another possible cause is a bad brake on the gear motor. If the brake is on the motor cannot turn and the fuse will
blow. It is possible for low battery voltage to cause this so the battery needs to be checked. If battery load tested good
then contact the factory.
If the gear motor brake is the cause the brake can be disconnected to verify. Please contact factory for further
troubleshooting and return information.