Microphone level option, Headset options, View status – Clear-Com FreeSpeak Antenna Splitter User Manual
Page 115: Role information, Beltpack version, Beltpack id, Rf carrier mask, Microphone level option -15, Headset options -15, View status -15
Clear-Com Communication Systems
FreeSpeak V2.0 Instruction Manual
6 - 1 5
Microphone Level Option
This option allows the user to set the level of the beltpack’s headset
mic, increasing or decreasing its gain going into the system. For Type I
beltpacks the gain settings are 40, 50, and 60 dB, for Type II beltpacks
the gain settings are 50, 55, 60 and 65 dB. The typical setting is 50 dB.
Headset Options
Two headset options are offered:
• Master Level
• Sidetone Level
The Master Level control accesses a slide bar going from “-“to “+”, and
controls the overall maximum level that can be heard through the
headphones. This gain control permits adjustment among headsets
with different sensitivities, and for different use conditions (quiet studio
versus loud live performance environment). Typical setting is 2/3 to 3/4
of the way toward “+”.
Sidetone Level controls the amount of the user’s own voice (local
sidetone) that is injected into the headphone from the headset mic. It is
activated when the user pushes a talk button or an answer-back key to
alert the user that the microphone is on. If a talk button is not pressed
no sidetone will be heard.
Role Information
Role Information gives the label (user name) that has been assigned to
the particular beltpack, and also gives a numerical Role Number which
the system uses – typically starting with 700 for the first beltpack and
going up from there.
Beltpack Version
Beltpack Version gives the current software version on the beltpack,
and a CRC number. Use these numbers to determine whether a
beltpack contains the latest software version, and to confirm the
success of a software upgrade.
Beltpack ID
Beltpack ID, also known as IPEI, gives the unique identification
number for the transceiver in the FreeSpeak beltpack.
RF Carrier Mask
The RF carrier mask tells the basestation and beltpacks which of the
standard DECT carrier frequencies to use. In Europe, for example, the