Clear-Com Tempest900 User Manual
Page 86

Tempest®900 2-Channel Wireless Intercom System
Full Duplex: Simultaneous two-way conversations (i.e. telephone communication).
GPIO: General Purpose Input Output – a simple device control method.
Half Duplex: Two-way conversations, one-way at a time, such that one person cannot interrupt the other (i.e. walkie-talkie).
IFB: Interrupted Feedback, or Interrupted Fold-Back - The IFB system connects control room personnel such as the director,
or producer with the performers or “talent.” The performer wears a small earpiece that carries the program sound unless
the director or another member of the production team interrupts the program sound with special instructions through
the IFB.
iSelect On-Command Roaming: Permits the BeltStation user to select the BaseStation appropriate for the current location
or activity.
License Free: The 900 MHz band is approved for non-licensed use in virtually every country. It is the responsibility of the
user to ensure that the system is operated in accordance with local laws and regulations.
Lithium-polymer battery: A rechargeable battery that provides long lasting, reliable power, with a minimum of space and
weight, utilizing lithium based chemistry in a stable polymer.
Loop -Thru Connectors: Allow multiple BaseStations to share a common channel.
Master BaseStation: A Tempest BaseStation that powers the 2-Wire Hybrid circuitry in itself and up to 9 additional
BaseStations across the looped-thru shared channel. The Master BaseStation provides power and line termination.
Mix Minus Signal: A mix of all audio that the BeltStation user needs to hear, minus the audio coming from the BeltStation
Pairing: A programming process that allows a BaseStation and BeltStation to recognize each other.
Slot: One of five time intervals in the FHSS TDMA RF schema. Each BeltStation occupies a slot. Also, one of the five display
locations on the BaseStation LCD screen.
Stage Announce: A Tempest system feature that permits connection of the BaseStation to a public address system (PA),
and allows a BeltStation user to be heard through the PA. The option includes a relay that can be used to activate the PA
Status Screen: Normal operational mode screen on the BaseStation or BeltStation LCD display.
T-Desk Software: Software, used to configure and monitor the Tempest Intercom System with a computer over a Local Area