GF Signet pH-ORP Buffer Calibration Kit User Manual

GF Signet Tools

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Instruction Sheet for pH Buffer Calibration Kit



Rev A 12/08

This kit comes with the following items:


One pint bottle of pH 4 buffer solution PN 3822-7004


One pint bottle of pH 7 buffer solution PN 3822-7007


Three reusable polypropylene buffer cups


One calibration stand with three punch-out holes

To set up calibration stand:

1. Take out all items from box.
2. Close box with fl aps inserted into side of box. The box is now ready to

be used as a calibration stand.

3. Punch out holes on top of box using perforated cut-out marks.
4. Place buffer containers in holes.
5. Fill one container with rinse water; tap or deionized water is acceptable.
6. Fill the other two containers with about 1 inch of liquid buffer solutions.
The calibration stand is now ready to be used.

pH Calibration Procedure

1. Rinse the sensor off in the rinse water cup. Gentle pat dry with a soft, dry cloth or tissue. Warning: Do not let the rinse water drip

into the buffer solution; this will dilute the solution and may lead to offset buffer values.

2. Gently place the pH sensor in the fi rst buffer solution ( pH 7). Wait until the output from the sensor is stable on the instrument display.
3. Follow the instrument’s instructions regarding buffer recognition.
4. Rinse the sensor with water. Warning: Do not let the rinse water drip into the buffer solution; this will dilute the solution and

may lead to offset buffer values.

5. Dry the sensor gently by patting it with a dry, clean cloth or tissue.
6. Place the sensor in a cup containing the second buffer solution (pH 4 or pH 10). The

second solution used will depend on the typical pH value of the application.

• If the process value is below pH 7, then use a pH 4 buffer solution.
• Sometimes pH 10 buffer solution is used when the typical process value is above

7 pH, however, pH 4 buffer is suffi cient if pH 10 buffer is not available.

7. Wait until the output from the sensor is stable.
8. Follow the instructions in the instrument manual regarding buffer recognition.
9. Rinse the sensor with water. Warning: Do not let the rinse water drip into the

buffer solution; this will dilute the solution and may cause offset buffer values.

10. Dry the sensor gently by patting it with a dry, clean cloth or tissue.
11. If the calibration was successful, put the sensor back on-line. If it was not successful, clean the sensor and recalibrate. If the sensor

cannot be calibrated, the electrode may need to be replaced.

Calibration Tips:

1. The pH solutions can be used for calibrating more than one sensor within a day. However, the solutions must remain free of debris

and must not be diluted by rinse water from previous calibrations.

Note: Use fresh buffer solutions for best results.

2. ORP solutions can be created using pH 4 and pH 7 buffer solutions saturated with quinhydrone, but these solutions are very unstable

and may not read properly after exposure to air for a prolonged time. These solutions must be discarded after a few hours.

3. Tap or deionized water may be used to rinse the electrodes between each buffer solution.
4. Calibration solutions change value with varying temperature. Sensors will not calibrate properly if the sensor is not at ambient

temperature. Take note of all temperature variations of the sensors and the calibration solutions.

5. Do not pour used buffer solutions back into the bottle; dilute with plenty of water and fl ush them down the drain.
6. Store electrodes in pH 4 buffer when not in use.
7. Calibrate sensors on a regular basis.
8. If the pH sensor does not calibrate within acceptable limits, clean the electrode and calibrate again. If the sensor continues to

calibrate outside of acceptable limits, the electrode is spent and must be disposed.

9. Acceptable pH ranges during calibration are as follows:

pH 7: High: 7.8 pH = -50 mV Low: 6.2pH = 50 mV
pH 4: High: 4.8 = 227 mV Low: 3.2 = 127mV
pH 10: High: 10.8 = -227 mV Low: 9.2 = -127 mV

pH 4

pH 7
