Temperature warning (t) – ALLIED Vision Technologies Goldeye P-032 SWIR User Manual
Page 62
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.5.0
For a quick access to the different correction data sets, the correction data
memory is subdivided into 32 single pages. Each of these pages can store a com-
plete set of correction data (parameters
A and B). At all times only one page
can be active simultaneously and all eventual modification of the correction
data takes place within this page. For each correction memory page a further
pair of registers for the parameters
J and K is available. To enable an access
on the values
J and K of each correction data set, the page address also
serves as access address to the register pairs.
The memory pages are filled with data starting at the address 0. The highest
valid address depends on the number of correction data sets stored in the cam-
era, however it can not exceed 31 (0x1F). If e.g. 27 correction data sets are
available this results in a maximum valid page address of 0x1A.
Both parameters,
A and B together, affect the choice and the number of data
sets to be loaded.
By means of the parameter
S the address of the active page can be adjusted:
Activate the eleventh correction data set (address 10 = 0xA)
Temperature warning (T)
The command
T=1 displays the content of the temperature warning register.
The lowest order bit has the same function as LED L3 placed at the backside of
the camera housing. If the value 1 is output, the temperature of the InGaAs sen-
sor is outside the optimum range.
When you switch on the cold camera, wait some minutes. The sensor tempera-
ture needs this time to stabilize to the set value.
If the temperature warning remains active for a longer period, check the ambi-
ent temperature of the camera.
GigE feature name (CameraSpecialFeatures)
Feature Visibility Description
Number of the correction data
set to activate.
Table 29: GigE feature: CorrectionDataSet