Exposure output (pin 12, 13), Line-sync output (pin 14) – ALLIED Vision Technologies Goldeye P-032 SWIR User Manual
Page 40
Camera interfaces
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.5.0
Exposure output (pin 12, 13)
The exposure output indicates the active exposure time of the sensor in the
image-on-demand operation.
After end of exposure the 256 (Goldeye xy-008) or 508 (Goldeye xy-032) lines
of the sensor are read out to the digital output.
Line-sync output (pin 14)
The line-sync output (active low) supplies approx. 900 mV at a termination with
75 ohms.
Figure 11: Exposure output diagram
The current that flows through the optocoupler should not
exceed 20 mA (at 12 V, R
600 ).
Figure 12: Line-sync output diagram
Goldeye xy-008
Goldeye xy-032
32 μs
2.5 μs
5 Vss
(no-load operation)
63.8 μs
2.5 μs
5 Vss
(no-load operation)
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