Accessories – Climax BB3000 LINE BORING MACHINE User Manual
Page 7

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page 7
Automatic Bore Welding Accessories
allow you to attach and quickly align the
Climax AutoBoreWelders for efficient bore
26795 BoreWelder interface kit
Allows you to attach and quickly align the
Climax AutoBoreWelders for efficient bore
welding. Includes adapter plate, alignment
tool, and spherical bearing removal wrench.
Bore Measuring Tool
Features a fine adjustment feature which
allows precision bore measurement and
sets tool bit height while the bar is still
mounted in the work piece.
70645 Mounts on any bar from 1-¼ to 2-¼
inches (31.8 to 57.2 mm) in diameter.
Measures up to 12 inches (304.8 mm)
diameter bores.
67487 Mounts on any bar from 1-¼ to 2-¼
inches (31.8 to 57.2 mm) in diameter.
Measures up to 24 inches (609.6 mm)
diameter bores.
Magnetic Back Dial Indicator
Top quality travel dial indicator with magnetic back,
made by Starrett® for Climax. Useful for many
things including:
• Precisely setting depth of cut.
• Measuring and setting boring bar
travel when cutting to a shoulder.
• Facing operations, precision
alignment of boring bar to larger
0 - .500 inch range
(.001 increment) - white face
0 - 10 mm range
(.01 mm increment) - yellow face
Digital Bore Measuring Caliper
Get an accurate reading of the bore without
removing the bar. Features locking, micro-
adjust slide.
Measures up to 10 inches
(254.0 mm) ID/OD
Measures up to 24 inches
(609.6 mm) ID/OD
Please note:
Drawings are for
reference only, are not
to scale, and may not
represent actual product.
no. DeScription
no. DeScription
Tool Head
Tool heads can be positioned anywhere along
the bar. Split body allows attachment without
moving the bar. Included in Base Units shown
on page 5.
19449 Inch kit for 3.25 - 5 inch diameters.
33713 Metric kit for 82.6 - 127 mm dia.
Tool Kit
(not shown)
Complete set of tools for the boring machine,
included in Base Units shown on page 5.
19697 Inch kit
37494 Metric kit
31412 Facing Head Assembly
Face from 2 - 7 inches (50.8 - 177.8 mm)
in diameter, or from 2 - 10 inches
(50.8 - 254 mm) with leadscrew set.
Bi-directional operation, 0.005 inch/rev
(0.127 mm/rev) fixed feed rate.
Set-up Cones
Aluminum set-up cones slide onto the bar
and into bore holes for quick set-up.
26263 Small set-up cone set, aluminum.
For 1.5 to 3.25 inch (38.1 to 82.6 mm)
diameter bores.
26264 Large set-up cone set, aluminum
For 3.25 - 5 inch (82.6 - 127.0 mm)
diameter bores.
Bearing mounts
Available in double arm and universal styles,
our spherical bearing mounts attach directly to
the work piece, and accept both the BB3000
rotational drive unit and the mounting bracket
for the Climax AutoBoreWelders.
26794 Spherical mount
(required for all machines made
before January, 1993)
24756 Double arm mount
36961 Universal mount
37621 I.D. Mounting kit for universal mount
Double arm
Universal mount