Advanced instruments inc – Analytical Industries GPR-1600 Series Trace PPB Oxygen Analyzer User Manual
Page 55

Advanced Instruments Inc.
Spill or Leak
Steps if material is released
Sensor is packaged in a sealed plastic bag, check the sensor inside for electrolyte leakage. If the
sensor leaks inside the plastic bag or inside an analyzer sensor housing do not remove it without
rubber or latex gloves and safety glasses and a source of water. Flush or wipe all surfaces
repeatedly with water or wet paper towel (fresh each time).
In accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
Health Hazard Information
Primary Route(s) of Entry
Ingestion, eye and skin contact
Exposure Limits
Potassium Hydroxide - ACGIH TLV 2 mg/cubic meter or Acetic Acid - ACGIH TLV / OSHA PEL 10
ppm (TWA), Lead - OSHA PEL .05 mg/cubic meter
Electrolyte could be harmful or fatal if swallowed. KOH = Oral LD50 (RAT) = 2433 mg/kg or Acetic
Acid = Oral LD50 (RAT) = 6620 mg/kg
Electrolyte is corrosive and eye contact could result in permanent loss of vision.
Electrolyte is corrosive and skin contact could result in a chemical burn.
Liquid inhalation is unlikely.
Eye contact - burning sensation. Skin contact - soapy slick feeling.
Medical Conditions Aggravated
Carcinogenic Reference Data
KOH and Acetic Acid = NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens - not listed; LARC Monographs - not
listed; OSHA - not listed
Lead is listed as a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
Special Protection Information
Ventilation Requirements
Eye Safety
Rubber or latex gloves
Respirator Type
Not applicable
Other Special Protection
Special Precautions
Do not remove the sensor’s protective Teflon and PCB coverings. Do not probe the sensor with
sharp objects. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Empty sensor body may contain hazardous residue.
Transportation Not