Asus GigaX2048 User Manual
Page 95
GigaX2024/2048 L2 Managed Switch User Manual
Allows users to modify a match criterion of a class. If users input list>, CLI command: qos class modify [Remove] classes by inputting ʻ*ʼ. CLI command: qos class delete [Policy Name] [Add] CLI command: qos policy new [Remove] policies by inputting ʻ*ʼ. CLI command: qos class remove [Edit] [Class ID] [DSCP] [Traffic Rate] [Traffic Burst Size] [Exceed Action][None/Drop/DSCP] [Exceed DSCP] [Add] ID. A policy only can have 6 policy actions. If users do not input traffic rate, all of below prompts will not display. If users input ʻnoneʼ or ʻdropʼ in exceed act,
dscp (old DSCP):
acl id (old ACL ID):
Allows users to delete a class by indicating the class ID. Users can delete all
Creates a new policy with specifying a unique policy name.
Allows users to remove a policy by indicating the policy ID. Users can remove all
Allows users to add a new policy action by specifying a policy ID and class