1 trust state – Asus GigaX2048 User Manual
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GigaX2024/2048 L2 Managed Switch User Manual
4.9.1 Trust State
This page is used to configure packets classification using port trust states.
Users can configure the port in following field:
Port: select the port to make configuration.
State: set the trust state Three types of state are supported for each port.
No trust state to classify ingress packets.
Classifies ingress packets with the packet CoS values.
For tagged IP packets – the DSCP value of the packet is modified based
on the CoS-to-DSCP map.
For untagged IP packets – the DSCP value of the packet is modified
based on the default port CoS-to-DSCP map
Classifies ingress packets with the packet DSCP values.
For tagged non-IP packets – the packet CoS value is set to 0.
For untagged non-IP packets – the packet CoS value is set to default port
For IP packets – the switch modifies the CoS value by using the DSCP-to
CoS map.
CosOverride: disable/enable CoS Override on the port. Cos Override only
can be enabled when Trust State is ʻNoʼ trust. CoS Override will override the
previously configured trust state and apply the default port CoS value to all
incoming packets. If a port was previously set to trust DSCP, this command
overrides the previously configured trust state, and all the incoming CoS
values are assigned to default port CoS value. If and incoming packet is
tagged, the CoS value of the packet is modified with the default port CoS.
Select the corresponding port number and configure the port setting, then click
on the
Modify button. The field you changed will update the content of the
display window. Click
OK to make the setting send to the switch (HTTP server).
Reload to refresh the settings to current value. To make the configuration
effective, please go to
Save Configuration page, then click Save.