4 port security, 1 port configuration, Figure 51. radius – Asus GigaX2048 User Manual
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GigaX2024/2048 L2 Managed Switch User Manual
OK to make the setting send to the switch (HTTP server). Click Reload to
refresh the settings to current value. To make the configuration effective, please
go to
Save Configuration page, then click Save.
Figure 51. RADIUS
4.8.4 Port Security
Port security pages include port configuration, port status, and secure MAC
addresses function. Port Configuration
This page is used to configure various Port Security parameters. The total
number of available secure MAC addresses on the switch is 1024. Users can
configure the port in following field:
Port: select the port to make configuration.
Admin: disable/enable port security feature on the port.
Violation Mode: set the violation mode. The action to be taken when a
violation occurs. It is a security violation when the maximum numbers of
secure MAC address have been added to the address table, and a station
whose MAC address is not in the address table attempts to access the
interface. You can configure the interface for one of three violation modes:
a) Protect: In this mode, you are not notified that a security violation has
b) Restrict: In this mode, you are notified that a security violation has
occurred. Specifically, an SNMP trap is sent, a syslog message is logged,
and the violation counter increments.
c) Shutdown: In this mode, a port security violation causes the interface to
become blocking state immediately It also sends an SNMP trap, logs a
syslog message, and increments the violation counter..
Max MAC Addresses: set the maximum numbers of secure MAC
addresses. The valid value is from 1 to 132. The sum of this value for all
ports is less than or equal to the maximum number of secure MAC address
allowed in the switch.
Aging Time: set the aging time. The valid value is from 0 to 1440(mins). The