dbx PMC16 User Manual

Page 16

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Owner’s Manual


7. HIGH knob

This control allows for quick adjustment of the high band shelving filter. This

control affects all outputs and is used to control the high-end frequencies of the


8. MASTER knob

This control allows for quick adjustment of the master output level. This control

affects all outputs and is pre-limiter.

9. Master Level Meter

This 4-segment LED meter displays the output signal level. The four LEDs represent

-30 dBu, 0 dBu, +10 dBu, and +17 dBu (3 dB below the clip point).

10. Channel Monitor Buttons

CLEAR Button–Used to quickly clear all muted or soloed channels.

SOLO Button–Used to solo channels or channel groups.

MUTE Button–Used to mute channels or channel groups.

11. Scribble Strip

Use a non-permanent marker on this strip to label each channel.

12. Channel Select Buttons (1-16)

Allows for the selection of channels or channel groups for editing levels, pans,

effect sends, mutes, or solos. Dual LEDs on each button indicate channel selection

(top LED=green), solo state (bottom LED=amber), and mute state (bottom
