dbx ZonePRO 641m User Manual

dbx Audio accessories

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In this application you see a few uses that are not always thought of as typical for an installation
device. The ZonePRO handles these easily as well.

Sitting between the console and the amplifiers, the ZonePRO is taking care of the main EQ,
AFS, compression, crossover, tuning EQ, main and sub level matching, limiters and time
alignment delay.

Again, between the console and amplifiers, the ZonePRO is handling the EQ, AFS, gate,
bandpass filters, tuning EQ and limiters for the monitors.

In this way, the ZonePRO may also be used for club, house of worship, theater, school and other
applications as well.

Open the configuration wizard and change the names, controllers and DSP inserts to fit your application.