B&B Electronics I-7565-H2 - Manual User Manual
User’s manual

I-7565-H1 / I-7565-H2
High Speed USB/CAN Converter
User’s Manual
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I-7565-H1/H2 High Speed USB/CAN Converter User’s Manual (Ver 1.1, Nov/2009) ------------- 1
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Hardware
- 3. Driver Installation
- 4. Software Utility
- 5. API Library -- VCI_CAN.dll
- 6. Troubleshooting
- 6.1 The Connection Issue
- 6.2 The CAN Baud Rate Issue
- 6.3 The Same CAN-ID Conflict Issue
- 6.4 The PC Rebooting Issue
- 6.5 The Max Data Transfer Rate (fps) Issue
- 6.6 The Data Loss Issue
- 6.7 The Module Number Applied to One PC Issue
- 6.8 The Long Driver Installation Time Issue
- 6.9 The Supported CAN Filter-ID Number Issue
- 6.10 Other Issue
- 7. History of Version