B&B Electronics ZP9D-115RM-LR - Manual User Manual

Page 39

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Manual Documentation Number: ZP9D-115RM-LR-0812


B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 –

B&B Electronics – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 –

MK (Address Mask) Command
The MK
command is used to set/read the
Address Mask of a module.
All RF data packets contain the
Destination Address of the TX
(transmitting) module. When a
packet is received, the TX
module Destination Address is
logically "ANDed" (bitwise) with
the Address Mask of the RX
(receiving) module. The resulting value must match the Destination Address or
Address Mask of the RX module for the packet to be received and sent out the RX
module's DO (Data Out) pin. If the "ANDed" value does not match the Destination
Address or Address Mask of the RX module, the packet is discarded.

Sniffer Mode (when MK = 0): ACK requests are ignored and every RX (receive)
frame is sent to the UART, without regard for repeated frames. All “0” values are
treated as irrelevant values and ignored.

MT (Multi-transmit) Command
MT command is used to enabled
multiple transmissions of RF
data packets. When Multi-
transmit Mode is enabled (MT >
0), packets do not request an
ACK (acknowledgement) from
the receiving RF module(s). MT
takes precedence over RR, so if
both MT and RR are non-zero,
then MT+1 packets will be sent
(with no ACK requests).

When a receiving module receives a packet with remaining forced retransmissions, it
calculates the length of the packet and inhibits transmission for the amount of time
required for all retransmissions. Thereafter, a random number of delay slots are
inserted between 0 and RN before transmission is allowed from the receiving
module(s). This prevents all listening modules from transmitting at once upon
conclusion of a multiple transmission event (when RN > 0).

NOTE: The actual number of forced transmissions is the parameter value plus one.
For example, if MT = 1, two transmissions of each packet will be sent.

AT Command: ATMK

Binary Command: 0x12 (18 decimal)

Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF

Default Parameter Value: 0xFFFF (65535d)

Number of bytes returned: 2

Related Commands: DT (Destination Address),
HP (Hopping Channel), ID (Modem VID), MY
(Source Address)

AT Command: ATMT

Binary Command: 0x3D (61 decimal)

Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFF

Default Parameter Value:0 (no forced

Number of bytes returned: 1

Related Commands: Networking (DT, MK, MY,
RN, TT), Serial Interfacing (BR, PK, RB, RO),
RF Interfacing (FS)