B&B Electronics ZP9D-115RM-LR - Manual User Manual
Page 33

Manual Documentation Number: ZP9D-115RM-LR-0812
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
CT (Command Mode Timeout)
CT command is used to set and
read the amount of inactive time
that elapses before the module
automatically exits from AT
Command Mode and returns to
Idle Mode.
Use the CN (Exit AT Command
Mode) command to exit AT
Command Mode manually.
DB (Received Signal Strength)
used to read the receive signal
strength (in decibels relative to
milliWatts) of the last received
packet. This parameter is useful
in determining range characteristics of the Zlinx Radio Modems under various
In default mode, this command shows the power level in signed decimal format with
the units (dBm). If CF = 1, the magnitude of the value is presented in unsigned hex. If
CF = 2, the value is presented in decimal, but without the units.
Sample Output: -88 dBm(when ATCF = 0)
58 (when ATCF = 1)
-88 (when ATCF = 2)
NOTE: If the DB register is read before the module has received an RF packet, the
module will return a value of 0x8000 (which means an RF packet has not yet been
DT (Destination Address)
Command is used to set/read
the networking address of an RF
module. The modules utilize
three filtration layers: Vendor
ID Number (ATID), Channel
(ATHP), and Destination
Address (ATDT). The DT
command assigns an address to
a module that enables it to
communicate only with other modules having the same address. All modules that
share the same DT parameter can communicate with each other.
Zlinx Radio Modems in the same network with a different destination address (than
that of the transmitter) will listen to all transmissions to stay synchronized, but will not
send any of the data out their serial ports.
AT Command: ATCT
Binary Command: 0x06 (6 decimal)
Parameter Range: 2 - 0xFFFF [x 100
Default Parameter Value: 0xC8 (200d)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Command: CN (Exit AT Command
AT Command: ATDB
Binary Command: 0x36 (54 decimal)
Parameter Range (read-only): 0x6E - 0x28 (-110
to -40 Decimal)
Number of bytes returned: 2
AT Command: ATDT
Binary Command: 0x00
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF
Default Parameter Value: 0
Number of bytes returned: 2
Related Commands: HP (Hopping Channel), ID
(Modem VID), MK (Address Mask), MY (Source