Rainbow Electronics T89C5115 User Manual
Page 33

Figure 12. Column Latches Loading Procedure
The last page address used when loading the column latch is the one used to select the
page programming address.
Programming the Flash Spaces
The following procedure is used to program the User space and is summarized in
Figure 13:
Load up to one page of data in the column latches from address 0000h to 3FFFh.
Disable the interrupts.
Launch the programming by writing the data sequence 50h followed by A0h in
FCON register (only from FM1).
The end of the programming indicated by the FBUSY flag cleared.
Enable the interrupts.
Extra Row
The following procedure is used to program the Extra Row space and is summarized in
Figure 13:
Load data in the column latches from address FF80h to FFFFh.
Disable the interrupts.
Launch the programming by writing the data sequence 52h followed by A2h in
FCON register (only from FM1).
The end of the programming indicated by the FBUSY flag cleared.
Enable the interrupts.
Column Latches
Data Load
DPTR= Address
ACC= Data
Last Byte
to load?
Column Latches Mapping
FCON = 08h (FPS=1)
Data memory Mapping
FCON = 00h (FPS = 0)
Save & Disable IT
EA= 0
Restore IT