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ClOCK and synCHrOnIzaTIOn In sysTem 6000

Figure 12 Same setup with a word clock generator.

Example with DAC with and without word clock input.

Figure 12 shows the example setup with a word clock

generator included. Some devices may not feature a word

clock input and these devices will then slave to the digital

signal carrying audio.

One of the advantages of using a word clock generator is

that there is no constant switching between master and

slave configurations. Just the normal patching signals

around through the patch bay.

Another advantage is that potential jitter accumulation is

reduced. The jitter sources from the clock master to where

AD- or DA-conversion is done are reduced to the word

clock generator intrinsic jitter, the word clock line to the

converting device and the intrinsic jitter in this device. For

setups with devices without word clock input the chain is a

bit longer.

A disadvantage of using a setup with word clock might

be that there will typically not be so much optimizing of

the jitter e.g. the ADC being master when recording and

the DAC being master when mixing. Even though the

clock path is short (from the word clock generator to the

converting device) having the converting device being the

clock master could optimize the setup further jitter wise.

Nominal phase.
Digital mixers with a lot of digital inputs and other

equipment e.g. surround devices have to be able to receive

signals from several sources at the same time.

In Figure 13 the timing of different input and output

signals is shown. AES specifies that a device must be

able to receive a signal with a phase of up to +/- 25% of

the sample period away from the reference. This means

that if the device is slave to input 1 the phase on the

other input signals must fall within +/- 25% of the sample

period away from the signal on input 1. If the phase of a

signal (including two audio channels) is above the limit,

the current sample in this signal can be interpreted as

the previous or the next sample and this will add a delay

to these specific two audio channels. A summing of the

signals later in the setup (e.g. electrically or acoustically)

will result in a potential audible phase error.

Figure 13 Nominal phase tolerances and requirements of

AES signals.

It is difficult to make equipment transmitting a digital signal

at exactly the same time as it receives a signal. Typically

a device will have both a delay of a whole number of

samples but also a sub sample delay. The delay of a whole

number of samples is due to the routing of the signal in

the device and the sub sample delay is due to the specific

hardware in the device. AES specifies that the output must

fall within +/- 5% of the sample period from the reference

point (the incoming signal if the device is in slave mode).

See Figure 13.

Figure 14 Example setup. Device 5 is slave to the signal

from device 1.

Consider a setup like Figure 14 where device 2 to 4 adds

a sub sample delay of 10% of the sample period. There

will now be a difference between the two signals going into

device 5 of 30% of a sample period. Now device 5 might

interpret the two inputs wrong the way mentioned above.

In a whole number of samples this might not be a problem

because device 2 to 4 also has perhaps 10 samples delay

pr. device equals a total delay of 30. So the resulting 1

sample extra delay in this chain due to several sub sample

delays might not matter.

Another problem might be that perhaps the jitter level after

device 4 is quite high. This jitter will perhaps make the

signal from device 4 continuously cross the point in device

5 where the signal is interpreted as the current sample or

the next. This will make continuous slip samples (perhaps

with audible clicks) on the input on device 5 receiving

signal from device 4.

A way to work around this could be to have device 3

slaving directly to device 1 with an extra synchronization

signal. This way the 10% sub sample delay in device 2

will be eliminated. A setup using word clock generator