Page head clock and synchronization in system 6000, Measurements on system 6000 – TC Electronic Broadcast 6000 User Manual

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ClOCK and synCHrOnIzaTIOn In sysTem 6000

Measurements on System 6000

As mentioned before the higher frequency in the program

signal and the higher level the more sensitive it is to jitter

on the sampling clock. Therefore the measurements in

this document uses a 20 kHz sine at -1 dBFS and all

measurements are done at 48 kHz sample rate. The

measurements are done on the DA converter on the

ADA24/96 card and the test system is Audio Precision

System 2 Cascade.

To show the effect of the jitter being modulated via the

clock into the audio signal the measurements are FFT’s of

the analog signal on the ADA24/96 output.

Every full view picture is made with an FFT: 2k point, 256

times average, and equiripple window. Every frequency

zoomed picture is made with an FFT: 16k point, 32 times

average, and equiripple window.

System 6000 performance

Figure 6 System 6000 DAC in master mode

The system is running in internal master mode thus there

is no jitter being applied to the system. Notice the very flat

noise floor with no spurious signals.

Figure 7 Zoomed version (both frq. and level) of Figure 6

plus System 6000 in slave mode.

On Figure 7 the system is running both internal master

mode (lower) and external slave mode (upper) where the

system is slave to the Cascade. There is no jitter being

applied from the Cascade so what is shown here is approx.

the difference in intrinsic jitter when the System 6000 is

slave to the digital input.

Notice that even with this much zoom the jitter on

internal-mode is not visible.

The very little jitter that shows on slave-mode is low

frequency weighted from 1kHz and down.

Figure 8 System 6000 DAC in slave mode, 1kHz jitter


Figure 8 is a full view picture when System 6000 is slave

and there is applied 1khz, 1.3us peak sine jitter. This is a

huge amount of jitter and actually beyond the tolerance

level specified by AES3-1992 amendment 1-1997 [3] that

all AES compatible devices should be able to lock to.

The performance of a conventional clock design

compared to the performance of the System 6000

Figure 9 Zoomed (frq. only) version of Figure 8 (lower) plus

the same level of jitter applied to a conventional design


On Figure 9 the 1 kHz, 1.3 us peak sine jitter is applied to

System 6000 (lower) and a conventional design (upper)

without jitter rejection. Notice that the jitter spikes on the

conventional design reaches -22 dB with reference to the

20 kHz tone where the System 6000 has filtered out this

jitter by approx. 100 dB down to -122 dB.

There are more spikes than 20 kHz +/- 1 kHz. There are

also +/- 2, 3 and 4 kHz, which are harmonics on the sine

jitter generator. The low frequency noise floor on the upper

curve is probably noise in the jitter generator.