V-Tech DT-IP Technical Guide User Manual
Page 90

IP-2 wire system technical guide
Channel On Start : To set initial aspect ratio and split number of the video screen
when IP-Agent gets start
Layout: To set initial aspect ratio for video screen when IP-Agent gets start
Channel Number: To set initial channel number for video screen when IP-Agent gets start
Enable Max Channel: Deselect the option to disable 9 and 12 channel selection in the
main frame
Monitor On Start: To select specific DS/CDS to monitor automatically when IP-Agent
gets start
View: Device list display setting
Show IP: Deselect the option to hide IP address of devices
Auto Collaps List: To set display format of device list, call list & alarm list. You can unfold
more than one list in the frame if deselecting the option. If not, you just can unfold one list,
previous unfolded list will be folded automatically if you unfold a new list.
Auto Size List: Disable this option if deselect Auto Collaps List. If select Auto Collaps List
& then select the option, list will be unfolded to max size.
d. Handset