V-Tech DT-IP Technical Guide User Manual

Page 62

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6. Call Table for Digital Input Common Entrance Panel(DMR18) had been configurated to be CDS(Common Door Station) in IP Node Config
Assume that DMR18 had been connected to this DT-IPC.
For Digital Input Common Door Station(DMR18), only Common Call Table and Call Priority
should be cared about. For Call Priority setting is similar to call Priority section in Call Table
for Blocks chapter, this chapter just focus on Common Call Table.
Click right mouse button on Common Entrance and select Management, then select Call
Table button into the following interface. Note that Common Call Table is equivalent to
Input Table in the project submenu(The pop-up menu when click right mouse button on
Benchmark project)

The default rule for digital input common door station calling monitors is ‘IP Node’ + ‘User
If the default calling rule can meet project requirement, only guard center calling rule is
need to be configurated. If not, both of guard center and monitor calling rule must be


IP-2 wire system technical guide