V-Tech DT-IP Technical Guide User Manual
Page 72

To Access IP-Agent, you must log in with a registered account at first
1. On your desktop, double click the IP-Agent icon,the login dialog should appear.
2. Provide the user ID and password
Default ID: device
Default Password: 123456
3. Provide the Server name and Database Name
Server name: machine name + ‘\K2012’
Database Name: K2012
* The default password can be exposed to a hacking thread so it is recommended to
change the password by IP-Admin software after installing the product.
Note that the security and other related issues caused by the unchanged password shall
be responsible for the user.
* The following is an example of login failure, if you input an incorrect ID or password, you
will see the error message.
The following is another example of login failure, if you input an incorrect Server Name or
Database Name, you will see the error message.
IP-2 wire system technical guide