Veris Technologies VIS_NIR Spectrophotometer Probe - Operating Instructions User Manual
Page 79
successfully, then the .bytestream
file will automatically be appended to
if acquisition is stopped and started
again later.
field spectra.txt
Auxiliary sensor data and field data in
absorbance extracted and transformed.
Figure 2
The first 17 columns of the field spectra file represent the auxiliary sensor data (see
glossary for definition), each is labeled by a header, following the header is the
wavelength values. The next 384 columns are the absorbance data at each wavelength.
A value of
–1 represents no data was present at that time.
Probe field spectra.txt
This is output after the extraction
is ran and has all the hole
data interpolated to the same
depth increments.
cleaned field spectra.txt
Filtered field spectra can be used
for applying calibration.
Principal components loadings.
Principal component scores.
interp_PC scores.txt
Interpolated PC scores.
Proposed sample locations
based on clustering.
Actual locations stored during
sampling program.
Interpolated spectra and auxiliary
data at actual locations.
Figure 3